Special characters
  • 30 Jun 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Special characters

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Article summary

Special symbols


Always use the correct symbol. Don’t use combinations such as <= or +/-.




accent acute


accent circumflex, caret


accent grave


ampersand (abbreviation for “and”)

< >

angle brackets (use in software documentation to show default value and bibliographic references to URLs)

apostrophe (also symbol for foot and second—angle)

approximately equal to


asterisk (multiplication symbol in code)


at sign (abbreviation for “at the rate of”)


back slash or reverse solidus

{ }

braces (not curly brackets)

[ ]

brackets  (or square brackets)


cent sign

« »

chevrons, opening and closing


copyright symbol



degree symbol


division operator


dollar sign

division or fraction slash (cf. slash mark)

[[ ]]

double brackets

ellipsis (s.) or ellipsis points, ellipses (pl.)

em dash (punctuation mark)

en dash (punctuation mark or negative or minus symbol)


equal sign (not equals sign)

equivalent to


exclamation point (not exclamation mark or bang)

greater than

greater than or equal to


hyphen (punctuation mark)


inch mark or minute symbol (angle)

less than

less than or equal to


middle dot (SI multiplication operator)

minus (en dash)


multiplication sign (use * if necessary to match software)

not equal to


number sign in most cases, but hash or pound (US) key when referring to the telephone

paragraph mark or carriage return

( )

parentheses (pl), opening or closing parenthesis (s) (mathematical symbols or punctuation marks)


percent (SI symbol)


pipe, vertical bar, or the logical OR symbol




plus or minus


question mark (punctuation mark)

“ ”

quotation marks (not quotes or quote marks)

‘ ’

single quotation marks


registered trademark symbol



Σ (∑)

sigma (sum)


slash mark or forward slash or solidus



trademark symbol



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