  • 30 Jun 2024
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Article summary

Lists, usage

A list is a vertical arrangement of non-sequential and usually independent items (such as lists of types, properties, benefits, issues, or options) or sequential steps in a process. The items can be single words or phrases or sentences.

Depending on how you want to present material, you can choose one of several styles of lists: bulleted, numbered, labelled, unnumbered column, or a term list. A list can incorporate a nested comment, one nested list, or an untitled table.

Where the information can be organised into columns and rows, use a table with column and row headings.

Do not format as a list or table unless the information is important to the reader. If the information is less important—for example, items are provided only as examples—consider formatting as a horizontal series (even if the series contains many items).

Horizontal and vertical series

If the items are phrases that are intrinsic to the meaning of the sentence (removing any one item changes the meaning of the sentence), consider formatting as a vertical series. This format is used to accentuate items in a series or to remove potential ambiguities.

Vertical lists and vertical series follow different rules of punctuation and capitalization. The format and punctuation of vertical lists are described in List styles, Punctuating lists, Numbered lists, and Labelled lists. Whereas a vertical series retains the capitalization and punctuation of the original sentence. The phrases in a vertical series can be bulleted or labelled (for ease-of-reference).

Horizontal series (information is less important)

The database contains all standing data, including asset number, equipment type and class, load rating, installation date, date last services, and such.


The retailer-of-last-resort (ROLR) provisions can be invoked in cases where the operator declares a state of force majeure and the market is administered or the market price is capped.

Vertical series

The retailer-of-last-resort (ROLR) provisions can be invoked in cases where

  • the operator declares a state of force majeure and

  • the market is administered or the market price is capped.

Conjunctions can be underlined at the writer’s discretion to assist the reader’s interpretation of each clause.

List styles

Introduce a list with a sentence or fragment ending with a colon. If possible, use the active voice. Make entries in a list parallel.


The benefits are:

  • Project life is extended by 4 years.

  • NPV is increased by $82 million.

  • Capital investment is unchanged.

Note the parallel structure of each item: parameter is changed by value, and the consistent use of verb voice, tense, and person.

Nested lists

In general, avoid nested lists. If possible, use a subheading instead with an introductory paragraph or phrase to introduce and group each sublist.

Punctuating lists

In general, begin each entry in a bulleted or numbered list with a capital letter. However, do not capitalize words that are case sensitive nor term lists (see Term lists and glossaries).

End all items with a period when any one of the items in the list forms a complete sentence or is a phrase of three or more words containing a verb. When the list contains long phrases without verbs, use your judgement. Otherwise, leave open (including the final item).

No items form complete sentences

The database includes:

  • Participants

  • Allocation agents

  • Government authorities and agencies

  • Consultants

At least one item forms a complete sentence

The following actions can be performed:

  • Register a new trading right.

  • Extend the period of an existing trading right.

  • Cancel a current trading right.

  • Transfer a trading right to another party.

Bulleted lists

Use a bulleted list for an unordered series of concepts, items, or options rather than a sequence of events or steps. Capitalize the first word of each bulleted entry.

Unordered list

MRL recommends the following actions:

  • Project life is extended by 4 years.

  • NPV is increased by $82 million.

  • Capital investment is unchanged.

Note that each item ends with a period (see Punctuating lists).

When listing items, use a bulleted list unless the list items are sequential. If items need to be referred to in the following text, then use a labelled list (see Labelled lists).


There are three options available:

  1. Immediately place the company under administration.

  2. Renegotiate funding with creditors and lenders.

  3. Raise capital from the shareholders.

Numbered lists

Use a numbered list for procedures or other sequential lists. Introduce a procedure with an infinitive phrase or imperative and avoid explanatory text after the introductory phrase. Capitalize the first word of each entry.

Do not use numbered lists for non-sequential items—use a bulleted or labelled list instead.

Sequential list

To log on to a database:

  1. On the File menu, click Open Database.

  2. In the User Name box, type your name.

  3. In the Password box, type your password.

  4. Click OK.

Labelled lists

For ease of reference, the items in a bulleted (non-sequential) list can be labelled with an alphabetical character (a, b, c, …) or lower-case roman numerals (i, ii, iii, …). A labelled list is otherwise treated the same as a bulleted list.

Unnumbered lists

Use an unnumbered list to group similar items—for example, a list of keywords. Use a single column for six or fewer items and balanced multiple columns for seven or more. You need not capitalize entries. If the list is alphabetical, alphabetize down the columns, not across rows, if possible.

For online files, long multi-column lists can be difficult to read. In this case, you can alphabetize from left to right (for shorter lists) or sort in labelled alphabetical sections. Alphabetical sections make navigating in long lists of items such as functions easier.

Unnumbered list




annual leave






Term lists and glossaries

Use term lists for a series of terms, parameters, or similar items that are followed by a brief explanation. In general:

  • Term lists describe but seldom define the term. The purpose of a glossary is to assist the reader’s understanding—definitions are often as obscure as the term itself. If a definition is required, provide a cross-reference to where the term is defined in your document or cite another (a regulation or code of practice, for example).

  • Two formats are commonly used: table or list. When formatted as a table, use column headings Abbreviation and Term (for a list of abbreviations) or Term and Description (for a glossary). Do not ornament text in either column with boldface or italic. When formatted as a list (see examples below), the term is boldface and can appear on its own line, with the definition indented under it, or is followed by a period, with the definition immediately following it.

  • If definitions are cited in the glossary, if formatted as a table, add a third column with heading Reference or See or similar. If formatted as a list, add the reference at the end of the description—for example, “...can be reversed. See Section 1.3 for definition.“ or “...can be reversed (Wardle 2008, p. 34).“ When referencing another document, use a bibliographic citation (see Bibliographies and citations)—for example, AER 2011b s. 3.4 or NGR r. 27(1)(b)(iii). When referencing a section in your own document, format as a cross-reference (see Cross-references)—for example, Section 3.4.

  • A list of abbreviations (LOA) simply connects the acronym to its term without description. The column headings in an LOA are “Abbreviation” and “Term”.

  • When listing an acronym in a glossary, reference the main entry in that glossary—for example, if the entry in the Term column is “LOA”, the entry in the Description column is “See list of abbreviations.” with the term in italic. The corresponding main entry appears as “list of abbreviations (LOA)” (the term is uncapitalized) in the Term column and a suitable description (sentence-style) in the Description column.

  • Only capitalize the term if it is a proper noun—this will help the reader identify when a term should or should not be capitalized in their own text.

List format


Use the phrase deaf or hard-of-hearing to refer to people who have hearing disabilities. If that phrase is too long, use deaf only. Do not ....

homograph. Homonyms with the same spelling but different origins, pronunciations or meanings—for example, pole (geographic) and pole (rod); lead (noun, metal), lead (noun, leash), and lead (verb, to draw along); and mean (average), mean (unkind), and mean (intend).


Wireframe — A 3-dimensional surface object formed by a connected series of triangular facets. Wireframe objects can …

Table format




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ActiveX Data Objects


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carbon-in-pulp (CIP)

A process of recovering gold from ores by crushing, grinding, leaching with cyanide and absorption on to activated carbon. Carbon is not added to the leaching tanks.


See carbon-in-pulp.


A geological period from 100 to 70 million years ago.

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