Credits and permissions
  • 29 Jun 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Credits and permissions

  • Dark

Article summary

Cite the source

When art or tables are reproduced from another source, always cite the source. In particular, the photographer or copyright holder of photographic material should always be acknowledged, even when permission is not required. In cases where the art or table is derived from another work, published or not, and has been reformatted or otherwise represented, attribute the original work as a matter of courtesy to the author.

Placement of credit line

In general, place the credit immediately after the credited material in the form of a note (typically in a smaller font than normal text, like a footnote or table note). Do not use footnotes to credit a source—it must appear with the material. The placement and format of the credit line depends on whether the art is titled or captioned.

Illustrations, charts, photographs, and plates

If titled, a short author-date citation can be appended to the title, enclosed by parentheses or placed after the art (see below). Do not append longer citations, full references, or other forms of credits to a title.

  • If untitled, place the credit line immediately below the art.

  • If the art is captioned, append the credit to the end of the caption, enclosed by parentheses.

  • If the art is not captioned, place the credit below the art with minimal space between the bottom of the art and the credit line.


If already shown in the photograph or art, the credit line can be omitted, if legible. Credits are sometimes placed on the right edge of photographs.

Tables, lists, and data

  • If titled, a short author-date citation can be appended to the title, enclosed by parentheses or placed after the art (see below). Do not append longer citations, full references, or other forms of credits to a title.

  • If untitled, place the credit line immediately below the table as an unnumbered note after numbered table notes, if any.

Format of credit line

Format the credit in the style of the surrounding text (title, caption, or note style). For example, if the credit is appended to a title, which is 12 pt Arial, boldface, title-style, then the credit is also 12 pt Arial, boldface, title-style.

If the caption is unnumbered, the line spacing should be minimal between the art and any following caption or note This shows that the caption or note is clearly associated with the art and not part of the text.

Choose the format that best suits the purpose of the credit (braces indicate placeholders for the author or owner or details of the cited work):


Credit line

Unpublished diagrams, drawings, and illustrations obtained from and by permission of a person or company.

Courtesy of {name}.

Photographs obtained from and by permission of a person or company.

Photograph courtesy of {name}.


Photograph by {photographer}. Reprinted by permission.


© {name}.

Art or table reproduced from a cited work not requiring permission where a References section is provided.

Source: {citation}

Sources: {citation}; {citation}

Art or table reproduced from a referenced work not requiring permission where a References section is not provided.

Source: reference

Art or table reproduced from a cited or referenced work by permission.

Source: {citation or reference}. Reprinted by permission from author.

Art largely derived from a cited work.

Adapted from {citation}.

Data, presented in a table or chart, obtained from another person or company.

Data supplied by {name}.

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